Seaside Photography

Seaside Photography

Seaside Photography

The Sunbaker. Max Dupain, Australia. I was immediately drawn to this photo. It made me think about how lovely it is to have a little nap on the beach. The murmurings in the background, the soft waves breaking, the sun twinkling, the heat on our backs..I dont think theres really anywhere else we all feel safe enough to sleep peacefully in a such public place. For more Max Du Pain photos, you can go here;

Charlotte Reeves Photography
How many special moments have we had on the beach with our dogs? There are so many lone dog walkers on the beach it makes you wonder if it weren't for the dog, would they still come? Most dogs just love the beach and their joy carries right through to us..chasing a ball, plunging into the sea, digging holes, or like my old dog just going in for a careful paddle. Nonetheless, it's always fun and great for our emotional and physical being.

I wasnt aware this was a thing but there are many professional dog photographers out there, more so on an international level. This symbolizes our love for animals and recognition of them as our true best friends who are part of the family as Charlotte Reeves explains on her webpage (

Vintage Beach Art

What a great photo. Back in the 1920's everyone was in for a dip. I've definitely noticed an uptake in sea swimming over the last few years. When the weathers warm, there's nothing better than floating in the sea.

The heat bought in many glimmering sand eel shoals to the shore at Browns Bay this year. It was magical to see and only possible to witness if you went far enough out into the bay (quite easy given its long stretch of shallowness). There were some flat fish about too. The sea really is the gift that keeps giving and we must look after it.

Sandwhich Tern, Northern Ireland. Thomas Campbell.
Strength, precision, grace; the sandwhich tern has it all as beautifully captured by Thomas Campbell. Distinguished by its yellow tip, the sandwhich tern is part of a large family of terns that arrive every year to plunge dive for fish, sandeels, whiting and sprats. Leaving our shores from July to October after a May - June arrival, terns head back to the polar regions. If youd like to find out about the local birds recently recorded in NI, you can visit here;

James Brunt Artist, England.

I quietly thought I had nailed rock stacks (in the eyes of my kids anyway) until I came across James Brunts works across landscapes and seascapes. They are just so enchanting and blend perfectly with the landscape given they are sourced from the naturally eroded rocks that have graced the beach itself. Rocks fall into the sea from cliffs and are bashed around by the seas currents to form lovely smooth and rounded pebbles. Sized up to 5cm and often steaked with minerals such as quartz, some pebbles are up to 3 million years old! If you would like to identify your pebbles, you can check here;

We are absolutely loving the highly unique 360° panoramic photos by tinyplanet_ni on Instagram. As a new page its quickly accumulating lots of followers and with only 8 posts so far, including Donaghadee Lighthouse, we're excited to see what's next. Also know as Earth and Sky media, you can check out their other works here.

Epic Love Photography
How many people fall in love by the sea? Does all that sea air have our endorphins singing happily in our hearts?

Our brains are naturally programmed to be drawn to beauty as we are heavily influenced by sight which stimulates many parts of our brain. Many moons ago Abraham Maslow penned that beauty was at the top of his Hierarchy of Needs amongst the gain of self actualization which includes fulfillment and personal growth. However, later criticism identified that the model was transient and/or concurrent rather than a methodical applied system of steps. For example, dont we all go the coast in times of need to seek solace and recharge amongst all that rugged beauty?

Epic Love Photography has captured such an enchanting beautiful moment on the coast. And doesnt this symbolise what many seek in Maslows self actualization? To find love and to be loved and live a beautiful, happy life.

If you would like to elope amongst the beauty of the coast, go here;

DJA Photography
The drama of autumn and winter is best seen from the coast. The sound of the crashing waves and their draw back into the seas kinetic disposition has us all mesmerized. The salted air beating against our naked faces and the frazzling of our hair leaves us refreshed like no other component, as we squint through the winds and scattered seaweed amongst our feet. Surely one of our best seasons?

For more dramatic seascapes that are available to purchase, you can visit here;

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